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Erectile Dysfunction Patients For The Mediterranean Diet May Lower Heart Attack & Stroke Risk: Study

Erectile Dysfunction Patients For The Mediterranean Diet May Lower Heart Attack & Stroke Risk: Study - Welcome back, My amazing NIDDK readers. Nice to meet You again, today. Here, now. In this article titled, Erectile Dysfunction Patients For The Mediterranean Diet May Lower Heart Attack & Stroke Risk: Study, you might find interesting information about what You looking for. Hopefully, the content from my Erectile Dysfunction article will bring you many advantages both in work and in life. Enjoy Your readings. ^_^

Title : Erectile Dysfunction Patients For The Mediterranean Diet May Lower Heart Attack & Stroke Risk: Study
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Erectile Dysfunction Patients For The Mediterranean Diet May Lower Heart Attack & Stroke Risk: Study

Erectile dysfunction patients about the Mediterranean diet may lower heart attack and stroke risk: StudyErectile dysfunction patients about the Mediterranean diet may lower heart attack and stroke risk. Lead researcher Dr. Athanasios Angelis explained, “Erectile dysfunction is not a characteristic of ageing, it is just a bad sign on the body that something is wrong using the vasculature. In 80 % of cases, erection problems is brought on by vascular problems and it is a warning that patients are in increased chance a heart attack or stroke. The Mediterranean meals are associated with lower cardiovascular events and might be a approach to help male impotence patients lower their risk. We planned to investigate whether patients with male impotence who follow the dietary plan have less vascular and cardiac damage.”

The study involved 75 men with impotence problems whose adherence for the Mediterranean diet was assessed with all the Med-Diet Score1 which ranks patients as high (30-55), intermediate (21-29), or low (0-20) dependant on their intake of foods which might be part on the Mediterranean diet, for instance fruit, vegetables, fish, dairy, wine, cereals, and essential olive oil.

Vascular function have also been assessed by measuring plaque formation across the artery walls and fatty deposits within the inner lining of arteries.

The researchers learned that a lower Med-Diet Score correlated with poorer vascular health insurance and overall heart function. Dr. Angelis added, “Patients with erection problems who had unhealthy diets had more vascular and cardiac damage as opposed to runners who followed the Mediterranean diet. Previous research has shown that patients with male impotence have vascular damage, but we discovered that the heart is usually damaged. This may assistance to further explain why these patients will be more prone to cardiovascular events. The formation of atheroma, the stiffening on the arteries, as well as the poor functioning of the guts can eventually create a cardiac event.”

“Our findings report that adopting the Mediterranean diet can help the cardiovascular risk profile of patients with male impotence and may reduce their probabilities of having heart disease or stroke. This must be tested inside a larger study,” he added.

Dr. Angelis recommends simple lifestyle adjustments for improving heart health along with impotence problems. He explained that patients shouldn’t consider the Mediterranean diet like a prescription, but a lifestyle so as to improve and look after overall a sound body. Making a switch to your Mediterranean form of eating involves boosting one’s intake of fish, coconut oil, fruits and veggies, along with staple foods with the diet.

Link between male impotence and cardiovascular disease
The link between erection problems and coronary disease has long been established. In early studies, it turned out believed that the principle culprit is not enough blood flow on the penis linked to plaque buildup down the artery walls, but male impotence preceding heart disease may actually be caused by the dysfunction with the inner lining in the blood vessels and smooth muscle. This dysfunction causes poor blood supply towards the heart and penis, and further contributes for the development of atherosclerosis.

In other studies, impotence problems patients without any obvious cause were later identified as having an underlying heart problem. Researchers suggest this connection is only an association, which doesn't imply any cause-and-effect relationship.

Other risk factors for erection problems include diabetes, smoking, booze, high blood pressure levels, high-cholesterol, older age, obesity, and low testosterone. If you suffer from erection dysfunction but these other risk factors tend not to apply to you, you might want to get screened for possible heart issues.

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