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Frequent Urination At Night, Sign Of Erectile Dysfunction – Expert

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Title : Frequent Urination At Night, Sign Of Erectile Dysfunction – Expert
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Frequent Urination At Night, Sign Of Erectile Dysfunction – Expert

An Abuja-based gynecologist, Dr. John Anoti, has warned that standing up frequently during the night to urinate might be a sign of impotence problems and other problems associated with sex in lots of men.

Anoti told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Sunday in Abuja that as men mature they may develop urinary tract problems attributable to an enlarged prostate.

He explained erection problems as the inability to develop or maintain a hardon of the penis during intercourse while prostate is really a small, muscular gland within the male the reproductive system.

“Your prostate surrounds your urethra and produces a lot of the fluid within your semen, muscular action from the prostate helps propel the fluid and semen via your penis during sexual climax.

“Benign prostatic hypertrophy, or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), happens when the cells on the prostate gland commence to multiply.

“These additional cells cause your men's prostate to swell, which squeezes the urethra and limits the flow of urine, the obstruction might be so severe that no urine can leave the bladder in any respect.

“Indicators of sexual function are inversely associated with the severity of urinary tract symptoms,” he stated.

The expert added that since the men’s urinary symptoms increase, the degree of sexual function decreased which may lead to an erection problems.

Anoti declared that urinary tract symptoms result of an enlarged prostate that is certainly most strongly associated with erection problems, bringing about a feeling of urgency plus a weak urine stream.

He also explained that difficulty in urinating as well as arising several times during the night to urinate are some on the signs of impotence problems, adding that is more prevalent among men of their 60’s than men inside their 40’s.

Anoti, however, asserted treatment was determined by the cause and this men by incorporating or all on the symptoms is going for urgent medical help.

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